#MeetTheTeam – this week we shine a spotlight on Founder & Managing Director of @fox_pr
1. Name & Title: Lysbeth Fox, Founder. 
2. How long have you been at Fox? Since I started it in 2011!
3. Bucket List Destination: The Philippines as I’ve not been and have heard it’s absolutely beautiful. I backpacked around South America when I was 18, it will always remain a very special destination in my heart. 
4. What’s your favourite thing about working at Fox? There isn’t one thing, it’s the people I work with and the achievements we attain. 
5. One thing that can always be found at your desk: A picture of my daughter Amelie (and a dog chew for our office dog Cookie underneath my desk!)
6. A piece of advice to someone looking to get into PR: Undertake a couple of internships to have some experience before applying for a full-time job.

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Photo taken at: London, United Kingtom

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