Published 16th December 2019
#MeetTheTeam🦊 – this week we shine a spotlight on @thorpey_loves
1. Name, Title: Sally Thorpe, Senior Account Director
2. How long have you been at Fox? Two and a half years
3. Bucket List Destination: So many places…top 3 would be Alaska for some epic hiking, Madagascar for diving and Rwanda to see Gorillas.
4. What’s your favourite thing about working at Fox? I would have to say the glorious travel. This year I have been to Mexico, the Maldives and several parts of Europe through work. I feel lucky that my job takes me to such beautiful places which results in meeting interesting people along the way. I love my colleagues too – a gorgeous bunch of smiley faces to walk into every morning.
5. One thing that can always be found on your desk: My ‘S’ mug that I am VERY territorial over. Don’t touch my mug. 😉
6. A piece of advice to someone looking to get into PR: Be prepared to work hard! Many have a misconception that PR is super glamorous all the time, but trust me you have to put some serious leg work in, particularly at the beginning.